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What is the difference between instant and pressure cooker?

cooking with a pressure cooker

Pros of a Traditional Pressure Cooker

Foods cook 3 to 10 times faster than ordinary cooking methods, saving time, energy, and money.
Pressure cooking preserves flavors and nutrients, and tenderizes lean cuts of meat.
Strong, heavy-gauge aluminum for quick, even heating.
Works on electric, smooth-top, and gas ranges.
Pressure regulator maintains the proper cooking pressure automatically.
Fully immersible and dishwasher safe with the sealing ring and over-pressure plug removed.
It Can Reach a Higher PSI
The biggest difference between a traditional pressure cooker and an Instant Pot is the level of PSI or pressure that can be reached. A traditional pressure cooker can reach a PSI of 15 on the stove top, while most Instant Pot models (except the most expensive Max model), can only reach a PSI of 12.

cooking with a pressure cooker
cooking with a pressure cooker

What this means is that the traditional cooker actually cooks faster than the Instant Pot. If time is your main concern, the traditional cooker wins.

It’s Less Expensive
Another benefit of the traditional pressure cooker is that its often costs less than an Instant Pot. You can purchase a good 6-quart pressure cooker for around $40, as opposed to the $79 for an Instant Pot.

Takes Less Space
It took me a while to purchase an Instant Pot when we moved to London, because our kitchen is so small that I really didn’t have room to store the rather large Instant Pot. A traditional pressure cooker has a much smaller footprint comparatively.

A 6-quart pressure cooker is 17 x 9 x 8.75″, while the same size Instant Pot is 13 x 12 x 12.5″. If you don’t have an entire cabinet to store the Instant Pot, a traditional pressure cooker is a better space saver.

cooking with a pressure cooker

Instant Pot vs Pressure Cooker: Which One is Right For You?
The version you like best comes down to how you like to cook. I would say that the Instant Pot has an edge on the traditional pressure cooker, though. The ease of use is a huge factor to consider.

If you want to be more hands-on with the cooking process, the traditional pressure cooker offers a lot of benefits, in a smaller package.

If you’re more interested in a set it and forget it machine that doesn’t have to be used on the stove-top, plus the additional safety features and general peace of mind, then the Instant Pot is your better choice.

Our Recommendations
The chart below shows the models we recommend in both traditional and Instant Pot. The Instant Pot Duo is great for beginners, while the Max is great for home cooks who want to be able to do it all.

Why Use An Instant Pot

The Instant Pot is one of the most useful kitchen appliances you can buy, because it drastically cuts down on the cooking time for developing flavors in soups and stews, getting tough cuts of meat tender, and even baking a cheesecake. And there are many accessories that will help you get more out of your Instant Pot.

If you don’t have one yet, check out our guide on which one to buy. You can also check out our Instant Pot page for more information.

Finding Recipes
No matter which you choose – an Instant Pot or a traditional pressure cooker – there are tons of great recipes out there. We have lots of great Instant Pot recipes on our site that you can check out.

Another of our favorite places to get Instant Pot recipes is Pinterest. You can check out my Instant Pot board for recipe ideas, or do a quick search for exactly what you’re looking for.

Check out our sister site, A Pressure Cooker Kitchen, for all things Instant Pot. We help you find easy-to-make, delicious Instant Pot recipes to get the most out of your pressure cooker. See our recipes, guides, and information to help you get started.